CSI Connect

Featured news and information by and for the Campbell School of Innovation community.

Updated Wed, Jun 12th

On May 28, 2024, the Campbell School of Innovation held its inaugural “Schoolwide Design Day”, where students in grades TK - 8 were tasked with getting to know, and rapidly designing a gift for an assigned partner from another grade level. The theme for this first day of design was “Design to Bring your Partner Joy”. In preparation for the big day, teachers also engaged in the same partner design sprint earlier this month.

The event emphasized creativity, empathy, community-building, and collaboration through CSI’s design thinking process: Seek, Learn, Lead. Students started by interviewing their partners (Seek). Some of the questions they asked were, “What do you like to do at CSI? What do you like to do at home? What brings you joy? Tell me more.”

Next, students brainstormed, or ideated, at least two design ideas based on what they learned in the interviews (Learn). They brought these ideas to life using a single piece of paper, and in some classes, markers or a few small materials. After creating their gifts, students presented their designs to their partners (Lead), providing feedback on what they liked about the gifts that they received, and what could possibly be improved.

A reflection session allowed students time to discuss their experiences and lessons learned. Second grader Paisley shared, "It felt nice to have a seventh grader design a game spinner of my favorite activities. She really listened to me."

Teachers were impressed by the students' enthusiasm and school-wide community building. "It was heartwarming to see the effort and care the students put into their designs," commented Ms. Woll, an eighth-grade teacher.

CSI plans to schedule additional School-wide Design Days next year, continuing to inspire young minds through the principles of design thinking. Families can also repeat this same Design Sprint at home to create additional moments of joy!

Updated Fri, May 10th

At the Campbell School of Innovation, students are not just learners; they are creators, problem solvers, and innovators. At the heart of their learning journey lies the Bug Project – a project that ignites their curiosity and empowers their real-world problem-solving.

The Bug Project is more than just an isolated classroom activity. Students identify real-world issues, which we call "bugs," and design innovative solutions to address them. Guided by our CSI Design Process: Seek, Learn, and Lead; students embark on applying empathy, curiosity, and action.

“Our problem was that there’s lots of trash in the lunchroom. My idea was to make a sign with pictures and letters to let people know to clean up. My idea worked because I looked on the ground later and there were not even crumbs!” - Poppy K., TK student

“The thing I liked most about the Bug Project this year was that I got to choose a problem around World Hunger. We got to hear about what others in the community are doing to try to solve this problem. I got to build a 3D model and share my idea.” - Joshua A., 6th grader

A few third graders wanted to share commercial videos about their ideas: Poaching Video and Littering Video.

The CSI student learning journey is not just about solving problems; it's about shaping a brighter, more innovative future for us all.

Updated Mon, Apr 29th

We are proud to share that our Yard Duty Supervisors are committed to the Seek, Learn, Lead motto of CSI! During the Project Cornerstone training, there was a focus on building students' skills and assets and connecting to form positive relationships. Through our many partnerships, we are collectively and continuously creating a caring community. Interested in joining our Yard Duty as another caring adult on campus? We have both volunteer and paid positions, please stop by our Welcome Center or call (408) 364-4222 for more information. 

Updated Tue, Apr 16th

Thank you to the Kinder Team for organizing a visit from our local Youth Science Institute. Students had a great time experiencing a hands-on presentation that inspires enthusiasm towards nature and science! 

Updated Fri, Apr 5th

This fall, the CSI ASB (Associated Student Body) applied for an Innovation Team Grant from our school district. The team was awarded a grant to go to a leadership conference together and put on a community event. Please watch this short video that the ASB made to share their learning. “Applying for the grant was a challenge because we were nervous to pitch our idea in front of the judges and other students. But we overcome our fear and progressed as a leadership community. The funds from the grant let us go to the leadership training and bring the community together with a Multicultural Night.”  - Joshua J., CSI ASB Vice-President


At the leadership conference, students learned about leadership skills and some activities that they could lead at school. They have been using these skills to lead games and activities for all uptown students during weekly Prime Time Challenges. Students also wanted to bring the whole CSI community together with a Multicultural Night last month. They are very proud of the number of people who shared their culture at the event and want your feedback. “We’ve constructed a survey so that we can learn if we met our goal of bringing the community together. Please help us take the survey: bit.ly/csiasbfeedback Thank you!” - Keilia B., CSI ASB Treasurer


Meet the CSI ASB Team: Angela P., Joshua J., Kirra F., Keilia B., Svyatoslav (Slava) D., Oliva R., Sophia V., ASB Advisors: Lily Alberts and Erin Woll

Updated Tue, Jul 11th

We are thrilled to welcome our new TK and kinder students and families to CSI for the 2023-2024 school year!  Please join us for a campus tour here at CSI on August 9 at 4:00 pm.  We will be touring the campus, as well as sharing some basic information about what to expect during the first days of kindergarten.  We look forward to seeing our new TK/K families there!

Updated Thu, Apr 7th

We are so excited to expand our team of learning designers at CSI this school year!  Our new learning designers - some new to the teaching profession and some with many years of teaching experience - have been on campus these past couple of days to learn about what makes CSI unique.  Yesterday, Maureen Carroll from Lime Design joined our new learning designers (along with some of our veteran CSI team) for a day of hands-on learning, taking them through the design thinking process and learning about design abilities through watercolors.  We look forward to applying our learning when our students return to school on Thursday, August 19th!

Updated Wed, Sep 2nd

Find what you need for weekly distance learning at this link. Announcements for the week, Monday Launches, school wide design challenges, and more! You can also access each grade levels distance learning page through this home page.


Updated Thu, Apr 7th
The CSI Bistro was buzzing as parents attending the Principal's coffee experiened a design thinking activity led by Kami Thordarson, Director of Innovation and Digital Learning.  About 50 parents worked together on redesigning someone's morning routine. "It inspired my creative senses" said CSI parent Angelina.
boy at table working with tape  man at table working with tape  
The parents worked on prototypes, just as our students do!
Updated Thu, Apr 7th

"Writing will help me be more creative in whatever job I have," says Yehyun. She earned CSI's First Place Accomplished Writer award last spring for her story From a Dog Punching Bag to a Star. That award qualified her for the District's Rising Young Author recognition program.

In addition to earning accolades for her book, she won a drawing at the event for a Nook e-reader device. She's pictured here with event co-sponsor Jill Douglas of School Innovations & Achievement.

Yehyun's parents say that she loves reading and writing. "Sometimes she struggles," they say. "But she never gives up."