New Milestone for CSI Preparations

Planning for the Campbell School of Innovation (CSI) has hit a new milestone.

A little more than a year ago, our Transformation Team of school and community members began the work of developing the guiding principles for a school that would take an innovative approach to K-8 education. This week, we held the first CSI staff meeting—the people that TK–4th grade students will see every day when school opens.

Like 11 of Campbell Union School District's schools, CSI will be a dependent charter school, authorized and operated by the district and having greater flexibility than non-charter schools when it comes to funding and instructional materials. That flexibility is wonderful, because we have an exciting vision for  CSI that we want to share with our community.

We have scheduled some meet-and-greet activities, and are planning for more, so please be sure to check the CSI calendar for updates.

We are planning, working through the process of doing school differently, and excited about building our CSI family!