“Future of Learning” is Focus for District, Partners
"Our strategic planning committee identified the skills and competencies that our students will need to prepare them for their futures—futures with so much variability in what they're going to be facing as adults," said District Superintendent Shelly Viramontez.

“We have the opportunity to support our students and families from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., and it takes many hands to make it all happen,” she said at the District's Back to School Kickoff event this week. Local community leaders (pictured here) joined hundreds of district employees for the all-staff meeting to celebrate accomplishments and reaffirm the commitment to the district’s mission: Educating each child to their highest potential.
“We are fortunate to have the support of many community partners who join us in our mission so that every student can thrive,” Viramontez added.
The event featured guest speaker Sabba Quidwai, of Apple Inc., (pictured with microphone) who presented inspiring ideas about the future of learning and trends in skill demands of the future workplace. The top two needs: Be able to work on and solve unstructured problems, and be able to communicate.
She said that preparing students for the demands of the future workplace is, itself, a huge unstructured problem. She noted that the district’s Profile of a Graduate (POG) competencies are just what is called for—being self-directed, empathetic, innovative, collaborative and a critical thinker—and encouraged us to keep at this important work and keep sharing our experiences and stories.
“As global citizens, the more we learn about one another, our challenges and our opportunities, the more we can work together to solve the most pressing issues of our time,” she said.
The event ended with a sequel video about Profile of a Graduate that featured the students of Campbell Union School District describing how they leveraged the POG skills to enhance their learning.