Misty Kluesner's spaces
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Enrichment opportunities at develop the whole student, providing knowledge and context for the world around them. Students will participate in various programs during their time. They’re also encouraged to participate in a variety of after-school activities.

Exciting changes are underway in science as we implement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). California adopted a new set of standards that focus on disciplinary core ideas taught using performance expectations which will shift science instruction to a much more hands-on, project based learning approach.
Special Education

CUSD has a number of programs and staff dedicated to providing support to all students, including Special Day Classes (SDC) and Resource Specialist Programs (RSP).
Specialized Instruction
CUSD is committed to providing the resources and tools to make sure every student achieves at the highest levels. These specialized instruction programs ensure that all students are guaranteed an education that's truly beyond the expected.